Highschool Teacher

Pearland Highschool — 2022-2024

Algebra I, Algebra II, Algebraic Reasoning, Geometry

Taught math to a healthy number of SPED students.

Darul Arqam North — 2021-2022

Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Physics, Intro-to-Cybersecurity


Tutor / Student Advisor

University of Houston – Clear Lake — 2014-2015

English Composition, Technical writing, Intro computer science, Intro to JAVA, Intro to C++, Differential Equations, Discrete Math, Computer Architecture and assembly language, Data Structures

Advised students on their registration choices and came up with degree long plans to map out which courses they should register for and when to register for them.

San Jacinto College – Central Campus — 2012-2013

College algebra, calculus I and II, Statistics, General Chemistry I and II, Organic Chemistry I and II, University Physics I and II